How far is Michigan from your location? Below you will find a list of each state in the United States and the distance, estimated driving time, and estimated flying time to Michigan.
Google Maps uses the most centrally located point in the state. For Michigan, this is Latitude 44.31484 and Longitude -85.60236, which is a point located a few miles Northwest of Cadillac, Michigan. The data also uses the most centrally located point of other states as well, so even though Indiana borders Michigan, the driving distance between each of the state’s most geographically centered points is 322 miles, or about 4.9 hours of driving time.
How far is Michigan by driving?
State | Distance (miles) | Drive Time (hours) |
Alabama | 935 | 14.2 |
Alaska | 3576 | 63.0 |
Arizona | 1929 | 29.0 |
Arkansas | 848 | 12.7 |
California | 2404 | 35.0 |
Colorado | 1331 | 19.9 |
Connecticut | 811 | 12.7 |
Delaware | 812 | 12.6 |
Florida | 1391 | 20.7 |
Georgia | 1049 | 15.6 |
Idaho | 1964 | 29.0 |
Illinois | 408 | 6.1 |
Indiana | 322 | 4.9 |
Iowa | 579 | 8.7 |
Kansas | 995 | 14.9 |
Kentucky | 554 | 8.3 |
Louisiana | 1171 | 17.7 |
Maine | 996 | 16.2 |
Maryland | 745 | 11.3 |
Massachusetts | 865 | 13.4 |
Minnesota | 602 | 12.1 |
Mississippi | 986 | 14.9 |
Missouri | 658 | 9.8 |
Montana | 1357 | 23.5 |
Nebraska | 953 | 14.4 |
Nevada | 2050 | 32.0 |
New Hampshire | 851 | 13.9 |
New Jersey | 841 | 13.0 |
New Mexico | 1571 | 23.2 |
New York | 820 | 12.5 |
North Carolina | 852 | 13.6 |
North Dakota | 911 | 16.7 |
Ohio | 366 | 5.5 |
Oklahoma | 1074 | 16.0 |
Oregon | 2228 | 32.0 |
Pennsylvania | 636 | 9.6 |
Rhode Island | 891 | 13.8 |
South Carolina | 925 | 14.6 |
South Dakota | 859 | 14.6 |
Tennessee | 711 | 10.8 |
Texas | 1379 | 20.3 |
Utah | 1696 | 25.0 |
Vermont | 838 | 13.3 |
Virginia | 800 | 13.0 |
Washington | 2030 | 32.0 |
West Virginia | 664 | 10.2 |
Wisconsin | 206 | 6.4 |
Wyoming | 1410 | 21.0 |
It’s no surprise that Alaska is the furthest state away from Michigan that can be accessed by car. It would take less time to drive to and from Arizona than to make a one way trip to Alaska!
At only 206 miles, Wisconsin is actually the state with the shortest average drive to Michigan. This is because it is possible to take a ferry across Lake Michigan from Milwaukee to Muskegon or from Manitowoc to Ludington. Otherwise it becomes a 7.5 hour 453 mile drive to go around the southern edge of Lake Michigan.
How far is Michigan by airplane?
State | Distance (miles) | Flight Time (hours) |
Alabama | 830 | 1.7 |
Alaska | 2771 | 5.5 |
Arizona | 1532 | 3.1 |
Arkansas | 710 | 1.4 |
California | 1840 | 3.7 |
Colorado | 1087 | 2.2 |
Connecticut | 661 | 1.3 |
Delaware | 641 | 1.3 |
Florida | 1070 | 2.1 |
Georgia | 851 | 1.7 |
Hawaii | 4296 | 8.6 |
Idaho | 1440 | 2.9 |
Illinois | 319 | 0.6 |
Indiana | 281 | 0.6 |
Iowa | 414 | 0.8 |
Kansas | 759 | 1.5 |
Kentucky | 452 | 0.9 |
Louisiana | 982 | 2.0 |
Maine | 796 | 1.6 |
Maryland | 588 | 1.2 |
Massachusetts | 727 | 1.5 |
Minnesota | 471 | 0.9 |
Mississippi | 850 | 1.7 |
Missouri | 545 | 1.1 |
Montana | 1208 | 2.4 |
Nebraska | 750 | 1.5 |
Nevada | 1632 | 3.3 |
New Hampshire | 705 | 1.4 |
New Jersey | 645 | 1.3 |
New Mexico | 1273 | 2.5 |
New York | 641 | 1.3 |
North Carolina | 685 | 1.4 |
North Dakota | 774 | 1.5 |
Ohio | 302 | 0.6 |
Oklahoma | 866 | 1.7 |
Oregon | 1727 | 3.5 |
Pennsylvania | 478 | 1.0 |
Rhode Island | 739 | 1.5 |
South Carolina | 761 | 1.5 |
South Dakota | 710 | 1.4 |
Tennessee | 609 | 1.2 |
Texas | 1151 | 2.3 |
Utah | 1355 | 2.7 |
Vermont | 644 | 1.3 |
Virginia | 598 | 1.2 |
Washington | 579 | 1.2 |
West Virginia | 477 | 1.0 |
Wisconsin | 163 | 0.3 |
Wyoming | 1087 | 2.2 |
Once again, Wisconsin is the closest average state to Michigan in terms of flying distance and time. Hawaii is by far the farthest at 8.6 hours of flying time.
If anything, this list shows how accessible the state of Michigan is to the rest of the country by either car or airplane!