10 Facts About Lake Huron

Of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior is known as the biggest, Lake Michigan is usually the most popular to visit in the summer, but Lake Huron is just as Great! Learn some interesting facts about Lake Huron that you might not already know.

1. Lake Huron is home to 30,000 islands.

The largest island in the Great Lakes, Manitoulin, is located in Lake Huron. Manitoulin Island is a Canadian lake island in the province of Ontario with a rough population 12,600. It is also the largest freshwater island.

2. Lake Huron has the longest shoreline of the Great Lakes.

The Lake’s shoreline stretches 3,827 miles. The vast number of islands in Lake Huron contribute to the high shoreline mileage.

3. Great Lakes Loch Ness Monster.

An old Ojibwa legend claims that a water monster lives in the Lake Huron. The monster, Mishebeshu, is said to live in a den at the mouth of the Serpent River.

4. Lake Huron and Lake Michigan are one lake.

Lake Huron and Lake Michigan are culturally known as two lakes despite being connected. The splitting point is the Straights of Mackinac.

5. Lake Huron was discovered first.

Lake Huron is considered to be the first Great Lake since the European Explorers found it in 1615, 14 years before Lake Superior was found.

6. Over 1,000 Shipwrecks have Occurred.

While Lake Superior is well-known for shipwrecks due to the SS Edmund Fitzgerald wreck in 1975, Lake Huron has had numerous wrecks too. Fathom Five National Marine Park houses artifacts from 22 of the wrecks, only a small fraction of the wrecks.

7. “The Big Blow” is one of the harshest storms to hit the Great Lakes.

On November 3, 1913 “The Big Bow” hit Lake Huron. The storm was responsible for 10 shipwrecks and 235 deaths. Ocean-like waves of 35 plus feet and 90 mph winds occurred over a 16-hour period.

8. Lake Huron has an Underwater Forest.

Off the shores of Lexington, Michigan you can find 7,000-year-old petrified trees.

9. Lake Huron has a Salt Mine under it.

Goderich Mine, which is the largest salt mine in the world, partly runs 1,800 feet under Lake Huron.

10. The Keystone State was found 152 years after it disappeared.

The Keystone State, a wooden steamship prominently used during the Civil War, disappeared in Lake Huron in 1861. One-hundred and fifty-two years later it was found under 175 feet of water near Harrisville.

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